Systemic Treatments for Psoriasis

Systemic treatments are extremely indicated for the most severe forms of Psoriasis. These treatments can be quite toxic and may also have side effects. Among these drugs we have:

It has a limited use due to its medium-long term risks. It has a great immune-suppressive and anti-inflammatory power.

It works on the immune system by slowing it down. It must be used under strict medical surveillance as it exposes the body to infective diseases.

Oral Retinoids (Etretinate - Acitretin)
They work on the differentiation mechanisms of skin cells and limit tissue inflammation.

Fumarates (fumaric acid esters) 
Their benefits have been known for some years and have shown satisfying results. They represent a valid integration to oral drugs foreseen by official protocols. Registered in Germany, but not yet available in Italy.


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