Join Us
1. Become a Member of A.DI.PSO. Just pay one of the following fee options:
a. Supporting Member € 50,00
b. Ordinary Member € 30,00
c. Student Member/Children/Pensioner € 15,00
Please contact:
Via Tacito, 90
00193 Roma
Tel/fax: 06-3211545
2. Register on A.DI.PSO’s website by clicking on ‘Register’ in the members area, right bottom of each page of ADIPSO’s website.
3. Send us a copy of your payment receipt
via fax to 06-3211545 or via e-mail to
Remember to indicate your username and e-mail address given at the moment of registration.
You will be able to use your account to access the Members Area after about 3 working days.
For further information, you can contact ADIPSO at