Treatments for Psoriasic Arthritis

Due to the severity of the disease, it is better to intervene as soon as possible. This because the longer you wait, the more serious – or even irreversible - the damages to the joints can be.

Treatments used for PsA:

NSAIDs - Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs – that reduce the inflammatory processes. They are generally well tolerated, but a long-term use may damage the surface of the stomach.

DMARDs – Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug. Drugs used as background therapy. Examples are Metotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Cyclosporine, Leflunomide, Hydroxychloroquine. They are used in the most advanced states or in those cases in which the disease has become worse after using NSAIDs.

DMARDs may have side effects, thus patients must be closely monitored.

Biologic Drugs – These drugs block a chemical substance known as Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF). They are generally prescribed in case of no response to DMARDs. Apart from the previously mentioned Etanecept-Infliximab-Adalimumab- Ustekinumab described in the Psoriasis section – other drugs used are Golimumab and Certolizumab pegol.

These drugs are given only in hospital and monitored in the Psocare centres, i.e. the reference centres for each Region.


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