Phototerapy for Psoriasis
UVB narrow band.
Narrowband treatments use 311 nm UVB radiations.
PUVA use UVA radiations together with a psoralen. This combination makes the skin more sensitive to this kind of wavelength.
Monochromatic light excimer
This treatment uses radiations with a wavelength of 308 nm; it is performed in hospital and efficacy can be seen only after few treatments. The most common side effects of phototherapy are skin ageing and an increased risk of skin cancer. These treatments require a certain number of weekly visits to hospital or specialised centres.
Excimer laser
This tool allows to irradiate only small areas although with great intensity; this makes treatments long and increases the risk of erythematous reactions. The use of an excimer monochromatic light with a non-coherent emission beam seems to have solved the aforementioned problems.