Natural treatments for Psoriasis

An example of natural treatment are hydrothermal treatments (Balneotherapy).

Thermal waters have always been a place dedicated to the treatment of chronic diseases, including skin inflammations. They are a valid integration to traditional treatments that foresee the prolonged use of some drugs – mostly cortisone based – especially when one wants to have a so-called drug holiday.

Moreover, SPA therapy prolongs remission terms, reducing the use of topic and systemic treatments in the months following the therapy.

The most commonly used waters for the treatment of psoriasis are Bicarbonate calcium-magnesic and Sulphurous.

The most relevant benefits at skin level are:

  • keratolitic
  • eratoplastic
  • antiseptic
  • decongestant
  • antiseborrheic
  • itch soothing

Short term results can be improved by associating phototherapy with UVB narrowband.

The Association has established an agreement with the Comano baths to give to psoriatic patients a natural therapeutic option, just as effective as Balneotherapy.

A very interesting option is the treatment on the Dead Sea. This salt basin is located at about 400 metres below sea level and is considered as the largest natural depression on earth. In a particularly hot dry weather, the sea loses enormous amounts of water due to evaporation; this causes high concentrations of mineral salts such as chlorides of magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and bromine. This particular climate is extremely suitable for skin wellness.

These natural treatments are suitable for light forms of psoriasis and – most of all – for those people who do not want to use particularly strong drugs.

It is important to say that although the benefits allow to improve one’s psychological/physical condition and to have a better quality of life, they are not long lasting.


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